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Sound Bites A Nutrition Podcast

Aug 31, 2021

Beyond the Headlines, Stereotypes & Dogma: Meat Intake & Recommendations

The public health mantra is often “cut back on beef for health” yet most Americans view beef as “nutritious” when part of a balanced diet. Media headlines often stereotype beef as huge steaks and gooey cheeseburgers – but is that...

Aug 18, 2021

Every day the scientific community is learning more about the important connections between brain health, mental health, mood and the food we eat. Our brains function best when they get the right fuel – and that fuel comes from eating a healthy diet filled with nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts...

Aug 11, 2021

In the post-Covid era, three things have emerged as top priorities for American’s wellness: sleep, stress and immunity. Each one is affected by and affects the other. A recent survey conducted by Nature Made that explored Americans’ health and wellness needs, goals and concerns found that sleeping better is a top...